• Accounting Services Boise


    Tax & Accounting
    Consultant in Meridian, Idaho

    • Tax Planning

    Knowing what to expect come tax time goes a long way to alleviating financial stress. Being able to plan ahead and be proactive in determining your potential tax consequences is a financial victory.

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    • Business Startup Services

    Starting a new business? Where do you begin? Should I be an LLC or is a corporation best? We can help with some of these important decisions such as type of operating entity, and determining your filing and compliance obligations.

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    • Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

    Many small businesses don't have the resources to have a full time accounting or bookkeeping staff working for them.

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    • Tax Compliance and Representation

    Have you gotten off track and behind in your tax filing? Has the IRS or other taxing authority notified you that you must get back in compliance or that your returns are under examination? Dealing with the IRS or other tax agencies can be intimidating and a little scary.

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    • Virtual Currency Taxation
    • Trust & Estate Taxation
    • Tax Preparation

    Need assistance with your tax preparation? I've got you and your business goals and objectives in mind.

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    • Collaboration With Other Professionals

    Often times situations arise that require the services of other trusted professionals. Business succession planning, business exit strategies, estate planning and complex transactional issues are just a few such situations. We work in conjunction with select professionals who have earned our trust. Working in a collaborative manner we help our clients achieve their desired goals.

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